Photos | Bayside Hash

Bayside Hash House Harriers uses Flickr to house their photos.

Click on the link below to view some of our latest clips:

If you would like to save your own copy of the photo from the Flickr website, follow the instructions below:

- Click on the picture that you are interested in: you should see a larger view of the picture.

- On the bottom right hand side of the picture being viewed you will see a 'down arrow with a line under it'.  Click on 'down arrow' to display a sub-menu.

- Click the 'View all sizes' option. 

- Above the photo there should be several different size options for the picture. Click the desired size, for example, 800 x 600. 

- Once you have selected the size, click on the 'Download the ___ size of this photo' link which should be immediately above the size options. 

- Save to your own PC